Thursday, November 7, 2019

Elegy for a Moribund Church

Elegy for a Moribund Church

Some go to church to take a walk; some go there to laugh and talk.
Some go there to meet a friend; some go there their time to spend.
Some go there to meet a lover; some go there a fault to cover.
Some go there for speculation; some go there for observation.
Some go there to doze and nod; the wise go there to worship God.
Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

This is a painful post to write.  I have played my part in the decline.  I bear responsibility.  As someone who is responsible for the decline, it is my duty to do what I can to reverse the decline.

It is no secret that the Mainline Denominations are losing membership.  A recent (October 17, 2019) report from the Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life notes a decline of 12% in the number of people who identify as “Christian” in the past decade. While one statistic from a longer research project means little, I encourage you to read the entire report, along with the supporting tables which break down the demographics to smaller groups. All can be found at:

In its Religious Landscape Survey, the Pew Research Center found among Mainline Protestants:

66% are absolutely certain there is a God
54% Pray at least daily
29% Look to religion to determine right and wrong (51% rely on common sense)
32% Believe that there are absolute standards of right and wrong (65% believe it depends
            on the situation)
24% Believe the Bible as the literal Word of God; 35% believe the Bible but not as literal.[1]
28% Believe the Bible is not the Word of God.
80% Believe in Heaven
60% Believe in Hell

The Church, both local and universal is in decline.  Attendance at worship is declining. Opportunities for Bible study and learning outside of worship is declining.  Programs that once thrived have either dwindled or ceased entirely.

I can speak directly of one program that I led. One day, after the pastor of the church belittled me in front of guests, I decided to end the program. Lest you think my decision was hasty I was previously told by a program overseer that the same pastor did not consider my program as celebratory of God.  I also asked those non-guests who were present at the belittling if I heard what I thought I heard. I was assured that the comment was made to put me down and to build her up.  Pardon the digression, but I put included the situation to reach my final point: No one outside of the participants noticed that the program had ended. 

The culmination of all of this was when I was asked to leave the church.  And for that I thank God. As so often happens when we ignore God, God takes the steps necessary to get our attention.  I am now blessed to be attending a growing church. A church that faithfully believes the Bible to be the inspired (we should say “expired”) Word of God, subscribes to its traditional confessions of faith, and hears the Word preached expositorily.  Expository preaching is essential, because it forces the pastor and the congregant to deal with difficult passages; passages that expose our sinful nature.

To the moribund church, I beseech you, listen to God!!  The signs are all about you.  You have replaced the God of the Bible with the God of self.  When only 66% believe in God, there are 34% who have replaced God with something else. When 51% rely on common sense, they have replaced God with themselves.  If only 80% believe in Heaven and 60% believe in Hell, they have no hope in salvation and no belief in damnation.

God is forgiving and God is patient. In the Old Testament covenant, God gave His people a law to establish a relationship between them and God. To paraphrase, if you obey God and observe his laws, God will set you above all nations, but if you do not obey God and observe his laws, God will send on you cursing until you are destroyed because of your wickedness. (Deut. 28:1-20).  I and II Chronicles and I and II Kings are replete with stories of curses visited upon rebellious people and blessings visited upon those who obeyed.

In the New Testament, Jesus tells us, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15).

The answers to your situation are clear. Return to God. Seek Him out. Read and believe His Word. Pray and give thanks at least once a day. Cleanse your temple of the gods of self and the secular world. Find teachers who “preach the word… for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (II Tim 4:2-4). May God bless you in your journey.

[1] This is problematic. The chart itself does not take into account the use of personification, hyperbole, and metaphor.  If you read the Bible like you read any other book, you know that you don’t read poetry like you read history. The writers of God’s word used poetry, narrative, proverb, epistle, sermon and many other styles. I bring this up to posit that you may not believe the Bible is not the literal Word of God simply because of the use of textual devices.