Tuesday, November 19, 2019

One Libertarian's View on Impeachment

We are being duped.

Why are we going through this impeachment debacle?

Representatives Schiff (D) and Pelosi (D) may be able to present a case that would be voted upon by the Democrat controlled House.  Suppose that the House of Representatives votes in favor of forwarding the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.  What then? 

A hearing would be held in the U.S. Senate, led by its President Pro Tempore Chuck Grassley (R). The hearing would be presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts.  With a Republican controlled Senate, what do you think the result would be?  Even if there was a slim chance of conviction, we would inaugurate President Michael Pence.

What about President Trump? Why does he persist in attacking the character of witnesses instead of the facts?  Why does President Trump not release all the information he has at his disposal to demonstrate his innocence- or at least support his position?

The voting citizenry? The latest polls have shown that we are equally divided on the result.  Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump voters are entrenched. Very few people will actually have an open mind and objectively assess the evidence.

We are being duped.

Why are we going through this impeachment debacle?  When one examines the situation, it makes no sense.

Except it makes perfect sense if you are Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Grassley. It makes perfect sense if you are the Republican National Committee or the Democratic National Committee.  It makes perfect sense if you realize this is not about impeachment.  This is about money.

We are being duped.

This is a great fundraising opportunity.  Republicans will be able to cry “foul” if/when the Democrats pass the Articles of Impeachment. Democrats will be able to cry “foul” if/when the Senate votes to acquit.  In both cases, the donors will contribute more money to the coffers to keep their preferred party in power.  In Washington D.C., money is power.

Who else makes money? The media.  No matter which side you are own, your involvement leads to increased value in advertisement spots.  The longer the media, both Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump, make money by making sure that they keep stirring the pot of discontentment.

A crazy conspiracy theory?  Maybe.  Or, are you being duped?

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